Born in Tokyo, Japan, Satsuki Okawa graduated from Nihon University College of Art. To pursuit her career internationally, Satsuki relocated to Scotland, UK, then to NYC where she attended Columbia University for MFA. She graduated with her award winning thesis film Tidy Up in 2011.
In 2013, Satsuki was commissioned to write/direct a short film, Koyuki’s Wandering Football for the Japanese Professional Football League (J-League). The film was released in May of that year as part of the J-league’s 20 years anniversary project and travelled around the festival circuit including Canne Film Festival Short Film Corner.
Her most notable work is Little Kyota Neon Hood (short film, 2012), which went on to gain acclaim on the international film festival circuit. The film not only won numerous awards domestically, but internationally. She recently finished the sequel, Little Kyota Errand Hood (2014).
In the same year, Satsuki was also selected as one of two filmmakers to direct a short film for Lexus and The Weinstein Company, as a part of their collaboration project LEXUS SHORT FILMS. Her short, Operation Barn Owl was premiered at NYC and LA in summer of 2014. The film went online where it exceeded over one million views within two weeks of its release. She recently completed her first feature Little Kyota Neon Hood which will be released in 2016.
東京生まれ。日本大学芸術学部映画学科卒業後、渡英。のちにNY のコロンビア大学大学院映画学科入学の為に渡米。2008年にはハリウッド外国人映画記者協会(Hollywood Foreign Press Association)から奨学金を授与される。卒業制作『タイディ・アップ』はショートショートフィルムフェスティバルを始め、本作は国内外の様々な映画祭で上映され、ハリウッドの映画祭では最優秀短編映画賞を受賞した。
前作『京太の放課後』の成功を受けて、続編『京太のおつかい』(2014) を完成。ゆうばり国際ファンタスティック映画祭での特別上映を初め、国内、ブラジル、米国の映画祭で入選を果たす。また同年、レクサスと米国の映画会社ワインスタイン社が手がける短編映画プロジェクト「Lexus Short Films」の監督に抜擢。ハリウッドで制作された新作『Operation Barn Owl』はNY、LAの二都市でプレミア公開後ネット配信され、一週間で再生回数100万件を達成。現在、長編デビュー作『リトル京太の冒険』(2016)の公開を控えている。

2016 Little Kyota Neon Hood リトル京太の冒険 Feature 82mins Japan
Release date TBC
2014 Operation Barn Owl オペレーション・バーン・アウル Short 14mins USA(視聴はこちらをクリック)
Lady Filmmakers Film Festival Best Romance Award
Rhodes Island International Film Festival, LA Short Fest, Heartland Film Festival, Holly Short Film Festival,
New Filmmaker’s Los Angeles, Portland Film Festival, Rome International Film Festival (USA), First Glance Film Festival, San Jose International Film Festival, New Hampshere Film Festival, Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia
Little Kyota Errand Hood 京太のおつかい Short 20mins Japan
Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival, Heartland Film Festival, New York Japan Cinefest,
Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival, Aichi International Womens Film Festival, Sapporo Short Fest,
Kiryu Film Festival and more.
2013 Koyuki’s Wandering Football 旅するボール Short 17mins Japan(視聴はこちらをクリック)
Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner
Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia, Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia in Mexico
Kaohsiung Film Festival, Sendai Short Film Festival, Mito Short Film Festival and more.
2012 Little Kyota Neon Hood 京太の放課後 Short 20mins Japan
Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival (Brazil) Best 10 International Film
Ayjal Youth Film Festival (Qatar) Best Shot Film
Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People (Greece) Best Short Film
New York Japan Cinefest Audience Award
Yubari Int’ Fantastic Film Festival Best Live Action Short Film, Surprise Award for Best Live Action Short Film
Shimokitazawa Film Festival Best Short Film
Yamagata International Movie Festival Runner up Award
Tateshina Ozu Film Festival Honorable Mention
Oberhausen International Short Film Festival (Germany), Gulf Film Festival (UAE), Heartland Film Festival
Rhodes Island International Film Festival, Hawaii International Film Festival, Athens Int’ TV&Video Film Festival
Roving Eye Film Festival, Kaohsiung Film Festival (Taiwan), Glasgow Short Film Festival, IFVA Award (Hong Kong),
Kin Int’ Womens Film Festival (Armenia), Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia, SKIP D City International Film Festival,
Old Town Taito Film Festival, Sapporo Short Fest, Focus on Asia, Kiryu Film Festival and more.
2011 Tidy Up タイディ・アップ Short 15mins Japan/USA
LA Eiga Fest LA Best Short Film
Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia, Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival, Glasgow Short Film Festival,
Lone Start International Film Festival, Cambodia International Film Festival, Bug Muddy Film Festival,
IFS Independent Filmmakers Showcase, Seoul International Womens Film Festival and more.